“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Meade

Group Coaching

Are you a training manager or senior executive worried about the following?
Your organization has a management training program for new managers, but participants aren’t transferring what they learned from the classroom to the workplace so you’re wondering where all that time and money is going, or
How to take advantage of the high-impact results of leadership coaching with the largest number of leaders in your organization in the most time and cost-effective ways.
Group coaching has many advantages:
Group coaching helps participants within the same team or even across departments within the same organization build strong relationships, harness collective wisdom, and problem-solve together.
Because group coaching is a lower price point per person, group coaching allows organizations to bring group coaching to more of their workforce and/or makes it easier for individuals to take advantage of coaching when paying out of their own pocket.
Group coaching provides accountability and structure where people learn, reflect, think and perform together as well as individually between sessions.
Our group coaching programs are typically 3 to 6 months, and conducted through bi-weekly or monthly sessions conducted in person or via Zoom. The groups are kept at 6 to 10 participants to maximize the learning impact.

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