“If understanding and buy-in are needed, so is facilitation.” - Michael Wilkinson
Sometimes people just need help to talk with each other, or to know when to stop talking and begin making decisions.
Holmes Street Leadership’s facilitation is provided in a way that accomplishes your desired objectives, supports real conversations, and builds effective relationships. We motivate, guide, question, build bridges and keep clients on track and in doing so, also build the capacity of the leaders we work with to do the same once we’ve left the scene.
Our facilitation can:
Create buy-in, excitement and alignment to a new, desired organizational future
Help participants explore diverse views in a supported and structured process so that everyone feels heard and understood. The group is then in a much better position to make decisions based on the views presented.
Help new teams get off to a strong start
Help groups stop circuitous discussion and make real decisions, building in accountability so that those decisions actually get implemented and evaluated
Remove unproductive conflict among co-workers and create highly functional teams that get work done and enjoy working together
Build resiliency to and support for organizational change efforts
Examples of facilitation services include:
New Manager/Team Integration
Leadership and Board Retreats
Intergroup Facilitation
Employee Engagement Efforts
What Clients Say